Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Charity Crochet Group a Huge Success!!!

On Tuesday the 18th, myself and four others held another Charity Crochet and Knitting Class at Street Reach in Thunder Bay. This time we held it in the evening. It was a huge success! We had around 6 crochet students and one knitting student. We ran out of hooks!! LOL

It was a lot of fun. Each student received a pattern, hook or needles and yarn. I was amazed at how well all of our students did. They were wonderful to teach. Each student worked at their own pace and they worked hard.

I was very surprised that we only got one knitting student. I expected more people that wanted to learn how to knit then crochet and we had more supplies for knitting. It was the exact opposite of what we all expected! Never less, we had enough to go around.

I 'm not sure if we will be holding this charity teaching class again. However all of the students were invited to our, open to the public, craft group on Wednesdays. Three of them showed up the next day!

Cheers to everyone who participated!!!

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